Who is TheBetterWarrior?

Who is the better warrior?

Who is the better warrior?

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Disclaimer: This list is researched and is open to factual interpretation. I have curated the list which has provoked my interest.  I have no intention of hurting/offending anyone’s personal beliefs, religious or theological beliefs. We are all individuals and your beliefs may be different than mine.

Who Is The Better Warrior, what even is that? Could a specific person be a better warrior in this special world of ours? This question has always plagued my mind.

Because if you think about it, humanity (homo sapiens) has been around for 3 million or 30 lakhs years ago. 

And I am willing to bet that there must be hundreds if not thousands of better warriors throughout history. And may they rest in peace/ attain moksha.

So I did what I do best, I researched a little, filtered the list and curated a list of the ‘better warrior’.

Who is the Better Warrior In History?

Mankind has seen great wars time and time again, yet there are some whose deeds have withstood the test of time.

The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.

G.K. Chesterton

So without further ado, below is a list of history’s few better warriors:

Leonidas I of Sparta

Born around 540 BCE, Leonidas I of Sparta, was a legendary warrior and king of Sparta.

  • He played a significant role in ancient Greek history.

Leonidas I is renowned for his leadership during the Battle of Thermopylae.

  • and is the epitome of steadfast bravery and tactical genius.

During the Persian Wars, the Persian Empire, led by King Xerxes I, sought to invade Greece.

  • Leonidas, with a small force of 300 Spartan warriors (accompanied by several thousand other Greek soldiers), held a strategic position at the narrow pass of Thermopylae.
TheBetterWarrior - Leonidas I of Sparta

A monument called the Leonidas Monument was erected at Thermopylae to honour Leonidas and the brave warriors who fought alongside him.

It bears the inscription “Go, stranger, and tell the Spartans that we lie here, obedient to their laws.”

Photo by Vladan Raznatovic on Unsplash

He now stands among the most selfless and committed warriors in history because of his sacrifice in the face of the Persian army.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan, the founder and ruler of the Mongol Empire, ruthlessly conquered much of Asia and Eastern Europe with a cunning military strategy.

He was the first Khagan and creator of the Mongol Empire, which went on to become the most unified land empire in history.

National Palace Museum, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Although Genghis Khan’s invasions resulted in the deaths of many people, he also gave his subjects the right to practise their religion freely, outlawed torture, promoted trade, and established the first global mail service.

Alexander the Great

Alexander, a Macedonian monarch who ruled over a large portion of the known world in the fourth century BCE, was renowned for his audacity, tactical brilliance, and valour on the battlefield.

The Better Warrior - Alexander the Great

In his fifteen years of conquest, Alexander The Great never lost a battle.

King Phillip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, belonged to the legendary Argead dynasty, which had its roots in prehistoric Greece. 

According to tradition/legends, the dynasty’s founder, King Caranus, was one of the descendants of Heracles.

Miyamoto Musashi

A legendary Japanese swordsman and samurai who is considered one of the greatest swordsmen in history. He is renowned for having never lost combat and winning over 60 duels without being defeated.

Miyamoto Musashi founded Niten-Ichi-Ryu.

日本語: 宮本武蔵 English: Miyamoto Musashi, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Niten-Ichi-ryu loosely translated as the school of the strategy of two heavens as one” is a technique in which a swordsman uses both a large and short sword together while fighting.

Joan of Arc

A French heroine who commanded the French army to several significant triumphs during the Hundred Years War. She was renowned for her tenacity of faith, strategic prowess, and immense bravery.

The Better Warrior - Joan Of Arc

She Is The Patron Saint Of France.

Jean Pichore, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commonsv

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu is regarded as one of the greatest military strategists in history and is the author of “The Art of War,” a well-known Chinese military book. Military leaders throughout the world have studied and used his teachings for generations.

The Better Warrior and Strategist  - Sun Tzu

His birth name was Sun Wu.

He was a military strategist to the King of Wu.

The name Sun Tzu—by which he is more popularly known—is an honorific that means “Master Sun“.

663highland, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Who is the Better Warrior In India?

India has its unique place in the intricate web of time. I say this, because, like time, India has witnessed a great deal of change.  

As Time has witnessed, whatever challenges India may face shall always be overcome sooner or later.

Indians have seen empires rise and fall, but few have an eternal place in the hearts of people and in time.

“Freedom is a boon, which everyone has the right to receive.”

– Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Shivaji Shahji Bhosale, a great warrior, started the Maratha Empire in the 17th century.

With a vision to free the people and establish Hindavi Swarajya ‘self-rule of Hindu people’.

Statue of The Better Warrior - Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is credited as the founder of the Indian Navy, which is an interesting fact about him.

Photo by Sudarshan Sahare on Unsplash

People recognized Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj for his military strategy, use of guerrilla tactics, and his ability to motivate his troops to battle the Mughal Empire and other invading forces.

Maharana Pratap

Maharana Pratap, a Rajput ruler fought the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the 16th century. He is renowned for his valour and unyielding dedication to protecting his country and populace.

Following uprisings in Bengal, Bihar, and Punjab after 1579, Akbar loosened the noose around Mewar.

The Better Warrior - Maharana Pratap

Maharana Pratap is widely regarded as India’s first native freedom fighter.

Photo by Kishan Joshi on Unsplash

Maharana Pratap reclaimed the majority of his territory, including Kumbhalgarh and the region around Chittor, with 40,000 warriors.


The “Napoleon of India” was a historic warrior and emperor of the Gupta Empire known as Samudragupta. 

People recognized him for his military victories and for his capacity to build up the Gupta Empire through conflict and diplomacy.

His period of rule was called the Swarn Yug (Golden Age) of India.

I, PHGCOM, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Rani Lakshmibai

Rani Lakshmibai, queen of the Maratha-ruled kingdom of Jhansi was an important participant in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. 

People recognize her for her bravery and leadership of her army during its struggle with the British.

The Better  Warrior - Rani Laxmi bai

The British Army considered her the most dangerous and brave woman.

British Library, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Surely, Rani Laxmi Bai is a better role model for women to look up to at a time when chauvinist and patriarchal viewpoints are receiving prominence on a global scale.

Tipu Sultan

The Kingdom of Mysore’s 18th-century monarch, Tipu Sultan, engaged in conflict with the British East India Company.

Tipu Sultan receives credit as the pioneer of Rocket Technology in India.

He earned the nickname ‘Tiger of Mysore’ due to his valor and bravery.

See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

People know him for his military innovations, including his use of rockets in warfare, and for his efforts to modernize his kingdom.

Who is the Better Warrior in the World?

No one and Everyone! Perhaps this answer is a letdown for you, but wonder a little.

The current population of Earth as per UN 2023 data is Eight Billion People and growing.

There are many great warriors in this world, we aren’t even aware of.

The Better Warrior - Indian Army Soldiers
Photo by Yogendra Singh

Our Brave Soldiers are the greatest warriors, in my opinion, who lay their lives for the love of their country.

We are only aware of great MMA Fighters like:

  • Conor McGregor, 
  • Georges St-Pierre, 
  • Anderson Silva, 
  • Jon Jones, 
  • Demetrious Johnson, 
  • Khabib Nurmagomedov
  • And more.

A few great martial artists, trained in their respective fields, also exist:

  • Bruce Lee in Jeet Kune Do,
  • Jackie Chan in Chinese martial arts,
  • Jet Li in Wushu
  • Donnie Yen in Wing Chun
  • Tony Jaa in Muay Thai.
  • Chuck Norris Tang Soo Do 
  • And more.

Then there are people who have overcome great psychological trauma in their lives.

These people are nothing short of a warrior, they fight to be better, and they fight for a better life.

They fight for themselves and others. 

Can You Be The Better Warrior?

In the end, Being the better warrior is subjective. 

Each of us fights a battle no one knows.

  • A person who has addiction fights to overcome it, 
  • A person with severe depression fights to overcome it,
  • A person with a certain phobia fights against fear whenever faced with it,
  • A mother/father has to fight for her child’s custody,
  • A father/mother has to fight the world and its injustices just to put food on the table,

The list about who the better warrior is? It isn’t exhaustive, it will always change.

People fight their inner demons, and sometimes they lose, sometimes the demon wins.

However, there’s a catch: we fall only to rise. Therefore, we must stand up straight with our shoulders back and fight.

In tough times, remember the saying:

It is better to be a warrior in a garden than be a gardener in a war.

Fight for yourself and be The Better Warrior.

Photo by Mahdi Dastmard on Unsplash

Because as long as there are people in this world. Hope shall exist in their hearts, people will fight for what they love, for what they cherish.

For people of the earth shall always fight for a better world.

As long as one man is standing, there is Hope!

Please feel free to add who you think is the better warrior in the comment below.

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