Exercise - Strength Training

Is Exercise Really Worth Every Drop of Your Sweat?

Is Exercise Really Worth Every Drop of Your Sweat?

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We have heard time and time again, Exercise is beneficial for us. Yes, we get it!

But it gets boring, after a point, or even stressful at times when we are told to exercise repeatedly.

So, today, instead, let’s find out if exercise is really worth the effort for us.

  • and then, you can make your choice to keep fit or to do what you have been doing so far. 

Exercise is basically a physical activity that’s planned or a repetitive movement for the sole purpose of conditioning a body part to improve health and fitness.

We imagine going to a gym and sweating it out when we hear exercise, but there’s more to it.

  • With TheBetterWarrior, let’s understand what exercise does for our bodies.
Exercise - Strength Training

Profits of Exercise

Helps Improve Mental Health and Mood

One of the most important and disregarded aspects of exercise is its effect on our mental being-being.

  • Exercise improves your mental health by releasing those healthy endorphins.
  • This improved mood and reduced anxiety overall, leads to a calmer state of mind, thus allowing us to respond better to the world around us.

You are energized

While thinking at first this seems the opposite and sometimes idiotic, it is nothing but the truth.

  • I have observed in my workout sessions, that I had more energy to spend in the day both physically and mentally when compared to the day I didn’t workout.
  • In the same way, when you work out, you get an astonishing energy boost,
    • this is partly because as you exercise more oxygen is provided and your body produces more energy to keep up with the demand.

Your health gets wealth

Let’s face it, life is not easy and sometimes the stress of daily life overtakes our mental peace.

  • Stress also affects us physically with heart issues, blood pressure, headaches, and our beloved sleep.
  • After exercising, your stress levels decrease and your health increases as your immunity rises, insulin, free radicals, and hormone levels regulate.
  • Regular Exercise also decreases your risk of cardiovascular( heart-related) issues,
    • especially cardio-focused exercises like Running, Jumping Jacks, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and Jump rope.

Is Exercise Worth it or Not?

The time of judgment is upon us!

While regular exercise has a plethora of benefits, the above benefits are the most important for our day-to-day well-being.

Everyday 30 minutes of exercise is more than enough to make wonders for you.

  • With each jump or step you make, you get a little better than yesterday, you become a Better Warrior and a healthier being.

Exercising is also one of the best ways to take care of yourself and it always helps if you are currently embarking on a self-improvement journey.

Ultimately the choice is yours, my dear friend, you get to choose the person you want to be, and let me tell you, you can be that person. All the best, Warrior!

Do you think exercise is worth it or not? Comment Below!

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