F.A.Q About TheBetterWarrior

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1) What does TheBetterWarrior Mean?

They say battle makes you stronger, more ferocious, smarter, and wiser than before. Each individual is fighting a battle in their life. 

These battles can be internal or external, psychological or physical or just straight-up war.

With each battle, we get a little wiser than before, a little better than yesterday, and become ‘TheBetterWarrior’.

2) Why the Name TheBetterWarrior?

Self-Acceptance is of utmost importance, however, there is 1 fine detail in regard to self-acceptance. 

That is when we accept our pros and cons, we need to understand that these cons can be improved upon.

This idea to get better while fighting the many battles of your life is the inspiration behind the name ‘TheBetterWarrior’.

3) Why did you start TheBetterWarrior?

There was a time when everything seemed bleak and life seemed like a journey in a desolate world. However, over time I had a profound realisation.

With each passing day, if you seek to learn something new, you evolve into a better being.

That it’s okay to be flawed, and that things may get better, but only if I take initiative instead of waiting for someone else to come save me from the injustice that was my life and it worked for me.

I wished to share this idea because like I was suffering once, there may be many others like me who may need help to save themselves. 

I can only offer a path and some motivation, but the choice is always yours.

4) Who is TheBetterWarrior?

It is an idea; a mother is ‘TheBetterWarrior’ in her sick child’s life, and a father is ‘TheBetterWarrior’ in his daughter’s life. It can a husband, a friend, it can be you because you have been struggling and winning the battle whichever it may be.

Anyone can be ‘TheBetterWarrior’, the warrior spirit is in all of us. 

5) What do we write about?

We write about various topics and concepts, which we think may help an individual to be the better version of themselves. These include but are not limited to self-help, fitness, day to day living. We are focused on lifestyle and other sub-niches.

We also take our reader’s requests into consideration and write articles on topics they wish for.