Breathe, Warriors! Simply Start Breathing Deep! Let yourselves be free from the stress you carry.
We often face many stressors in our day-to-day life. And sometimes these stressors make a home in your body – causing you more harm than good.
There are two types of Stress: ‘Good Stress’ and ‘Bad Stress’.
Yes, Stress is also healthy, but we will get to that later.
How stress affects your breathing and you?
We breathe every day, almost subconsciously, except when we are trying hard to breathe!
I ask you to remember the last time you were stressed, remember the thoughts in your mind, try to remember how your body felt and now remember, how you were breathing!
Our body muscles feel tightened, our breathing becomes shallow, and our mind races with millions of thoughts!
We act like we are a target of a hunter. We are prone to aggression, uncontrolled outburst and headaches.
Yes, headaches are caused by stress and they are excruciating at times. Sometimes, this leads to a sudden and fatal stroke.
In terms of physical health, diseases related to the heart are likely to increase by 67%, more or less. It also found that stress can cause abnormalities related to your angina.
Stress is also an accomplice of increased blood pressure, digestive problems and inflammation.
Some studies also suggest that stress can cause depression, dissatisfaction with life, Anxiety, pessimism and other negative mental health issues.
But don’t let this stress you out!
Why Breathing Releases Stress?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
If stress makes our breathing shallow, perhaps our breathing can make stress shallow. Doesn’t that make sense?
Conscious Breathing
Allow me to elaborate: Shallow breathing or upper chest breathing is a typical stress response.
However, Deep Breathing or Abdominal breathing helps to relax the body and reduce the body’s natural stress response consciously.
Controlled breathing can lead to a variety of physiological changes, such as:
- reduced heart rate and blood pressure
- decreased blood stress hormone levels
- enhanced physical energy
- increased emotions of peace and wellness
- less lactic acid buildup in muscle tissue
- balanced levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
- improved immune system performance.

Meditation is the greatest tool the gods or universe have bestowed upon us.
Thought to have originated in India often called ‘Dhyana’.
“There is no right or wrong way to do meditation. Any activity can be meditative if we’re fully present,” says Sarah Meyer Tapia, a meditation coach, associate director of Health & Human Performance and head of Wellness Education at Stanford University.
Simply put, Meditation is to be present and know what we are doing, while we are doing it.
Meditation has many benefits, which can be used to drastically alter your life.
Some Benefits Are:
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Improves focus and concentration
- Boosts mood and emotional well-being
- Enhances self-awareness
- Improves sleep quality
- Lowers blood pressure
- Promotes overall well-being
How to Breathe?
If you prefer, there are two ways to go about it: Meditation and Conscious Breathing!
Whichever, method you choose, it is important to be present.
The world around us is filled with amazing miracles, each moment can be stretched into infinity if you are in the here and now. Be present.
Take a moment every day or whenever you are stressed:
Feel the air, feel the wind touching your face and the freshness of it, feel the air rushing to your lungs, filling every alveolus in your body like a balloon.
You are no longer you now, you are part of a more extraordinary being. That being is you!

Now do what you want to do, unleash your inner self!
Be Happy, Without any care in the world.
The storm inside you rages, your warrior spirit waits to be unleashed, breathe and master this moment. It’s Yours!
2 responses to “Do you want to be free? Can breathing help?”
[…] Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment. It can be achieved through meditation or simply taking a few minutes to focus on your breath. […]
[…] Practising mindfulness on the road begins with conscious breathing. […]